It is a document/written undertaking given by the issuing bank to a beneficiary/seller at the request of the applicant/buyer to pay a stated sum of money against stipulated documents.
  • Can be issued either to a local or foreign supplier
  • Governed by UCP 600 which is formulated by the International Chamber of Commerce, accepted and recognised worldwide
  • Marine Takaful for the LC-i is available if required
  • Documentary Credit-i is also known as Letter of Credit-i (LC-i)
  • The Shariah contract applicable for Letter of Credit-i is Wakalah
  • Wakalah means agency. It refers to a situation where the customer/buyer nominates another person (the Bank) to act on his behalf
  • Under this concept, the Bank acts as the payment agent for the customer to issue the LC-i to the beneficiary/seller

To the buyer / applicant:

  • Ability to stipulate the type of documents required as per terms agreed upon sales contract
  • Obtain financing to pay the beneficiary
  • Fulfill sales contract requirement and maintain good status
  • Ability to negotiate favorable terms from the seller
  • Issued under UCP 600 which is the internationally recognised rules governing LC-i operations
  • Documents presented will be examined by experienced banking personnel
  • Payment made upon receipt of compliant documents
  • Minimises language barriers with the foreign seller as the whole transaction will be routed through and handled by the bank

To the seller / beneficiary

  • Guaranteed payment upon presentation of compliant documents
  • Option to have the bank to confirm the LC-i as an additional security
  • Ability to request pre-shipment financing from the bank to purchase or process the goods before shipment
  • Option to request the bank to transfer the LC-i to the actual supplier, i.e. trading companies
  • Ability to reduce exchange risk
  • Ability to reduce or eliminate commercial risks as payment is assured by the bank
  • LC-i is issued under UCP 600 which is the internationally recognized rules governing LC-i operations
Modus Operandi

LC-i (without financing)

  • Customer nominates the Bank to act on his behalf
  • Customer placed 100% cash deposit with the Bank for the LC-i value
  • Undertaking of payment by the Bank
  • There is no financing from the Bank
  • The LC-i is available on sight basis

LC-i (with Murabahah financing)

  • Customer nominates the bank to act on his behalf to issue the LC-i
  • Undertaking of payment by the Bank
  • The LC-i is available on sight or usance basis
  • The customer will arrange for a Murabahah financing with the Bank for the LC-i value
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