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Credit Level Term Assurance (CLTA)

A single premium level term insurance plan that provides financial protection against your mortgage in the event of Death or Total Permanent Disability.

How can CLTA help you?

  • Pays your outstanding home financing amount in the event of Death or Total and Permanent Disability (TPD)
  • Protects your family from losing their home in the event of unforeseen circumstances
  • 24 hours, worldwide coverage


  • Guaranteed Acceptance for sum insured up to RM 200,0001 (per application)
  • Benefits upon Death/Total Permanent Disability (TPD)2 to cover mortgage loan
  • Option to capitalise Single Premium into the mortgage loan up to 5% of loan amount

1Applicable for loan applicant age 50 age next birthday & below.

2Maximum amount payable for TPD is RM2 million and coverage up to age 65

Sum assured

  • Minimum coverage limit: RM10,000
  • Subject to underwriting should coverage limit exceed RM200,000
  • Level Sum Insured throughout loan tenure3

3Provided the sum insured is the same as loan amount, policy term is the same as loan tenure, and there is no increase in interest rate.

Coverage term

  • Minimum term: 5 years
  • Maximum term: 45 years or expiry at 75 years old (whichever is lower)

Entry age limit (age as last birthday)

  • Minimum entry age: 17 years’ old
  • Maximum entry age: 65 years’ old
  • Expiry age: 75 years old

How to apply?

  • Applicable to Maybank Home Loan/Financing customers only.
  • Make an appointment online today at to talk to our friendly Sales Representative.

Terms and conditions

  • Other terms and conditions apply.
  • Need to visit a Maybank branch? Make an appointment online today at

PIDM protection

The benefit(s) payable under eligible policy/product is(are) protected by PIDM up to limits. Please refer to PIDM’s TIPS Brochure or contact Etiqa Life Insurance Berhad or PIDM (visit

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