
Scam Ads and Scam Apps

If you suspect you've been scammed, immediately call Maybank's 24/7 Fraud Hotline at 03-5891 4744 or the National Scam Response Centre at 997 (8am-8pm daily)

Stay safe from trending Raya scams!

Hari Raya is just around the corner! As another festive season approaches, so do scams! While you prep for Raya celebrations, make sure to look out for common Raya scam tactics too. Refer to the table below to learn more about trending Raya scams, how they work and what you can do to protect yourself.

Scam tactic

How it works

Unrealistic advertisements on social media

You see an advertisement online promoting clothes, food deals, maid cleaning services and more. The advertisement looks too good to be true. You respond to the ad by clicking on it. You are then directed to download a fake app (malicious software). This fake app allows the scammer to remotely access and control your device to make unauthorised transactions.

Downloading a fake app to buy travel tickets

The scammer will ask you to download a fake app via a link or .APK file to purchase travel tickets. This .APK file format is actually a malicious software (malware) that allows the scammer to hack your phone and remotely access your banking information. In short, the scammer can control your phone from afar and perform unauthorised transactions.

Making payments to fake QR codes

The scammer will swap a merchant’s QR code with a fake QR code. When you scan this seemingly fake QR code to make a payment, the money will actually be transferred to the scammer’s bank account instead. This scam tactic will cause a huge loss for both merchants and customers. 

Online shopping on fake websites

You see an unrealistic advertisement for a product online and you respond to it. The scammer will then inform you that the stock/offer for the product is limited and quickly demand payment from you. Once you have made your payment, the scammer will cease contact with you and you will not receive your item.

Remember the quick tips above on how to avoid scams and share this information with your family and friends so that everyone can stay safe online this festive season. 

Klik di sini untuk Bahasa Melayu.

How are scam ads and scam apps related?

Scammers put up fake ads online to lure you into chatting with them, so they can send you a scam app (.apk file). If you download it, you could end up with an empty bank account! Read on to find out exactly how it happens.

Here’s how the most viral scam happens

From cheap cleaning services, festive promos to travel deals and more, scammers pose as real businesses to get your attention.

Scammers aim to chat with you via social media or other messaging apps.

Then, they get you to download an app via an attached document or a link to make a booking or payment. This is a scam app (.apk file)!

Upon downloading the scam app, you tap ‘Allow’ on a pop-up without realising it. This pop-up requests for permission to view and send messages, allowing the scammer to steal SMSes, including your TAC/OTP.

The scam app also leads to a fake payment page that sends your username and password directly to the scammer.

The scammer is able to empty out your bank account any time.

Note: Though the scammer has access to all your banking details, they may not act immediately. They may only choose to empty out your bank account after you receive a large sum of money.

Share these tips with your friends and family!

So, go through the apps on your phone and delete the ones that are not from official app stores as they may be scam apps that can steal your latest banking details.

Always stay vigilant to avoid becoming a victim:

  • NEVER download apps that are not from official app stores.
  • NEVER click on links sent via SMS, chats or email.
  • DO NOT log in if you do not see your security image and/or phrase.

If you suspect that you are a victim of scam, you can use the Kill Switch to temporarily deactivate your Maybank2u access. You will then be instantly logged out from all active sessions. This blocks any further login attempts and safeguards your accounts. Find out more about the Kill Switch here

Suspect you’ve been scammed?

Immediately call Maybank's 24/7 Fraud Hotline at 03-5891 4744 or the National Scam Response Centre at 997.