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For hundreds of years, Wakaf has benefited communities all over the world. The concept of Wakaf is important for the population to thrive during challenging times as well as for benefits to accrue to segments of society in need, ensuring shared growth and economic prosperity.

When a Muslim dedicates a property to Allah S.W.T, they declare that the property will be used for religious and charitable purposes as recognised by Shariah. Once a piece of property is given to charity, the owner ceases all claim to it because it is said to belong only to Allah. As the Prophet (ﷺ) mentioned: “When a person dies, his deeds are cut off except for three; continuing Sadaqah, knowledge that others benefited from, and a righteous son who supplicates for him/her.”

Perform Wakaf payment through Maybank2u

You can make contributions to Wakaf via Maybank2u. Here’s how:

Step 1: Log into your Maybank2u account

Step 2: Go to ‘PAY & TRANSFER’ at the top navigation bar

Step 3: Beside ‘Pay To’, select ‘Payee’

Step 4: Click on the ‘New Payment’ field and search for ‘Waqaf’ or ‘Wakaf’

Step 5: Select payable account

Step 6: Fill in your transactions details and click ‘PAY’ when you’re ready

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