
Will Writing

We offer professional assistance in creating wills to ensure your assets are distributed according to your wishes

Why do you need a Will?

A Will allows you to determine asset distribution to your intended beneficiaries and special provisions. Without a Will, your estate follows the Distribution Act 1958, with immediate family members receiving only a portion of your assets and also potentially leading to a prolonged process to settle your affairs.

How can Maybank Trustees Berhad assist you?

  • One-stop center: Access comprehensive offerings from the Maybank Group, catering to all your financial needs.
  • Streamlined digitalisation: Enjoy a hassle-free digital process for your online applications.
  • Independence and impartiality: Rest assured that we handle your wishes independently and impartially.
  • Secure Will management: Ensure confidentiality and integrity throughout the probate process by safeguarding your Will with us.
  • Efficient execution: Avoid potential legal complexities and lengthy procedures.
  • Expertise at your service: Leverage on our in-house estate planning and legal professionals for tailored solutions, preventing disputes and beneficiary contestations.

How do I complete a Will?

Maybank Trustees Berhad offers comprehensive Will writing packages available both online and offline, with offline options offering enhanced customisation tailored to your specific needs.

Where do you start? Here’s what you need to think about before creating a Will:

Decide & Distribute

The person or charities to inherit your assets



  • Guardian for young ones
  • Caretaker for those in need
  • A trusted and competent Executor


  • Family disputes over inheritance issues
  • Emotional distress to family members
  • Delay in distribution to family members

Available Packages at Maybank Trustees Berhad

Contact us to find out which Wasiat package is suitable for you. Our packages entail:






Entire Asset Allocation


Customised Asset Allocation




Lifetime Custody of Wasiat


Maybank Trustees Berhad as Executor





Testamentary Trust






Available with a fee

*Offline packages entail Standard, Gold and Platinum.

Write a Will online

Eligible for non-Muslim Malaysians aged minimum 18 years for Malaysia Peninsular and Sarawak, and 21 years old for Sabah.

  1. Login to Maybank2u
  2. Select ‘Online Will Writing' from the Main Menu.
  3. Select ‘Will'.
  4. Enter Applicant details.
  5. Enter Executor details.
  6. Enter Beneficiary(s) details.
  7. Request TAC and click ‘Confirm' to proceed with payment

Note: To ensure the validity of Will, you must sign the Will in the presence of 2 witnesses who are 18 years old and above.

How to apply for an offline Will?

  1. Download and fill in the application form
  2. E-mail the application to or

make an appointment

at the nearest branch to you

Required Documents

Copy of NRIC or Passport of:

  1. Testator
  2. Beneficiary
  3. Guardian (If applicable)
  4. Executor (if applicable)

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