
Estate Administration

Ensure your peace of mind by entrusting us with the meticulous management of your estate – managing the probate process, settling of debts, and distribution of your assets to your loved ones with their best interest at heart.

Estate administration refers to the efficient management of your estate, ensuring that your wishes* are carried out through the probate process. This encompasses tasks such as consolidating your assets, settling debts, taxes, and administration expenses, and ultimately distributing assets to your beneficiaries. Throughout this process, we maintain impartiality, prioritising the best interests of all your beneficiaries.

*Subject to mutual agreement among Faraid heirs, except for allocation of assets up to 1/3 of your estate to non-Faraid heirs.

Benefits of Estate Administered by Maybank Trustees Berhad

Maybank Trustees Berhad as the executor provides:

  • Professional and competent management of your estate.
  • Ensuring the smooth distribution of assets to beneficiaries without any delay.


First Year 1.5% on first RM1mil or RM5,000 (whichever higher)
1.0% p.a. on balance
Remaining Year(s) 1.0% p.a. on balance or RM5,000 (whichever higher)

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Write a Will/Wasiat with us

Click here to access the Will page, or here to access the Wasiat page.