Let's start with where you are in your home ownership journey

Timeline Planner Estimation

Please provide the details of what you would like your timeline to be based on.

Have you booked your property yet?
Stage Date
Choose the date when you completed your chosen stage.
Preferred Move-in Date
Choose the date you would like to move into your new home
Property Status
Renovation Complexity Info Icon Minor renovations: Painting, new counter tops, fixing plumbing.

Medium renovations: Redesigning whole rooms, moving plumbing, adding an extension.

Major renovations: Renovating whole property, multiple minor & medium renovations at the same time
Upfront Fees Icon
Your estimated home ownership journey

Booking a Property
Applying for a Loan
Signing the Letter of Offer
Starting Renovations Info Icon The Starting Renovation date is based on the average time it takes for funds disbursement and key collection.

In the case of a property under construction, we also take into account the median time it takes to complete construction.
Moving In


This timeline estimator is intended to provide you with an indication only and should not be taken as final. It is important to note that this timeline is based on the median time period for each stage, and that several factors may influence your timeline. Please allow some flexibility for the various stages of your home ownership journey.