

By Austin Victor 14 February 2024 4 min read

Understanding Fixed Deposits in Malaysia: A Comprehensive Guide

Fixed deposit in malaysia

Fixed deposits (FDs) have long been a popular choice for Malaysians seeking a secure and low-risk investment option. These financial instruments, offered by banks and financial institutions, provide a steady and predetermined return over a fixed tenure.

In this piece, we'll delve into the intricacies of fixed deposits in Malaysia, exploring their features, benefits, and considerations for potential investors, so you can make an informed decision before investing.


How fixed deposits work

Fixed deposits work as a straightforward investment instrument where you deposit a specific amount of money with a bank or financial institution for a predetermined period, known as the tenure.

The bank, in turn, offers an agreed-upon interest rate on the principal amount throughout this tenure. The interest rates can vary based on factors such as the deposit amount, tenure chosen, and prevailing market conditions. The interest accrues over time and is typically paid out at regular intervals or upon maturity, depending on your preference.

Here’s a brief table to illustrate tenure and interest rates for fixed deposits:

TenureInterest rate (per annum)
1 month 1.50%
2 months 1.65%
3 months 1.70%
6 months 1.80%
12 months 1.85%

The fixed nature of these deposits means that the interest rate remains constant throughout the agreed-upon tenure, providing you with a predictable and secure source of returns.

The safety of fixed deposits is reinforced by the regulatory protection provided by institutions like the Perbadanan Insurans Deposit Malaysia (PIDM), ensuring that a specified amount of the deposit is insured against unforeseen circumstances, thus making fixed deposits an attractive option for risk-averse investors seeking stability and consistent earnings.


Features of fixed deposits in Malaysia

If you’re planning to invest in a fixed deposit, here are some of its key features to keep in mind:


Interest rates and tenure

Fixed deposit interest rates in Malaysia vary among financial institutions and are influenced by factors such as the amount deposited and the tenure chosen. Generally, the longer the tenure, the higher the interest rate. Malaysian banks offer a range of fixed deposit tenures, typically starting from one month up to several years, providing you with flexibility to choose based on your financial goals.


Minimum deposit requirements

Most banks in Malaysia have a minimum deposit requirement for fixed deposits. The minimum amount varies from one bank to another, making it crucial for you to check and ensure they meet the specified criteria before opening an FD account.


Interest payment frequency

The interest on fixed deposits is usually paid out at regular intervals, with options for monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual payments. You can choose the frequency that aligns with your financial needs and preferences.


Auto-renewal options

Many fixed deposit accounts in Malaysia come with an auto-renewal feature. This means that upon maturity, the principal amount, along with the interest earned, will be reinvested automatically for the same tenure, unless the investor chooses otherwise. This feature provides continuity for you if you wish to maintain your fixed deposit investment.


Benefits of fixed deposits

Fixed deposits have a host of benefits which make them attractive to any type of investor. Here’s what some of them are:


Stability and security

One of the primary reasons Malaysians opt for fixed deposits is the stability and security they offer. Unlike riskier investment options, fixed deposits are protected by PIDM, ensuring that deposits up to RM250,000 per depositor per bank are covered. Not all banks are protected, so be sure to do your homework before making a placement.


Predictable returns

Fixed deposits provide you with predictable returns, as the interest rates are predetermined and fixed for the entire tenure. This predictability is attractive to risk-averse individuals who prioritise capital preservation over the potential for higher but volatile returns.


Diversification of investment portfolio

Fixed deposits serve as a valuable component in a diversified investment portfolio. While more dynamic investments may carry higher potential returns, fixed deposits offer a stable foundation, balancing the overall risk profile of an investor's portfolio.


Considerations for fixed deposit investors

Here are some important considerations to keep in mind before embarking on a fixed deposit investment:

Fixed deposit in malaysia

Interest rate comparison

It's essential to compare interest rates offered by different banks before choosing where to open a fixed deposit account. Even a slight variance in interest rates can significantly impact your overall returns, especially for long-term deposits.

Here’s an example based on a fixed deposit of 1-month (at 3.0% interest) and 12-month (at 3.4% interest) tenure:

Let's assume Kai opts to invest RM5,000 in a fixed deposit account with the aforementioned interest rates. If he chooses to place his fixed deposit for a 1-month period at a 3% rate and allows it to automatically renew for a year, he will accrue RM150 in interest.

Given that financial institutions typically provide higher rates for extended durations, the same RM5,000 deposited in an account with a 12-month tenure at a 3.40% interest rate will yield RM170 in interest. The disparity between the two scenarios is RM20, primarily attributable to the 0.40% higher interest rate for the 12-month placement.

While this may not seem substantial, it becomes more impactful with larger sums kept in the account over an extended period. If the interest rates for both the 1-month and 12-month periods are identical, the difference would vary even less.


Penalties for early withdrawal

Fixed deposits are designed to be held until maturity. However, unforeseen circumstances may lead to the need for early withdrawal. In such cases, you should be aware of any penalties imposed by the bank, as they can affect the overall returns on your investment.


Inflation considerations

While fixed deposits provide stable returns, you should also consider the impact of inflation. If the interest earned is lower than the inflation rate, the real purchasing power of the returns may decrease over time. Always remember to strike a balance between stable returns and protecting against the eroding effects of inflation.


A surefire investment option

Fixed deposits remain a cornerstone of Malaysia's financial landscape, offering a secure and stable investment avenue for a broad spectrum of investors. With their predictable returns, flexibility in tenures, and the safety net provided by PIDM, fixed deposits continue to be a reliable choice for those seeking to preserve capital while earning a modest return on their investments.

As with any financial decision, it’s best to carefully assess your financial goals, risk tolerance, and the specific terms offered by different banks to make informed choices in line with your individual needs.


Not much of a risk taker? Opt for a stable and reliable option like fixed deposit and begin stacking the building blocks to your wealth today. 


💡 The information provided above is purely for educational purposes.



1. iMoney. (2022). "Everything You Need To Know About Fixed Deposits in Malaysia." 

2. Bursa Malaysia. (2021). "Should You Get a Fixed Deposit?" 

3. Dollars and Sense Malaysia. (2023). "Beginner’s Guide To Fixed Deposits in Malaysia."