Motor vehicles


By Austin Victor 13 February 2024 4 min read

Handy Tips for Lower Car Loan Interest Rates

Car loan interest rates

Owning your dream car is an exciting journey, and for many Malaysians, it begins with securing a car loan. Understanding the intricacies of car loan interest rates is crucial for a smooth ride on this financial highway. In this guide, we'll explore how interest rates are calculated, share tips to secure lower rates, and provide valuable insights tailored to the Malaysian context.


How car loan interest rates are calculated in Malaysia

In Malaysia, car loan interest rates typically hinge on the Base Rate (BR) or the Islamic Base Rate (IBR) established by the central bank. Financial institutions then incorporate a margin into the BR/IBR to determine the final interest rate assigned to your car loan.

To illustrate, let's consider a hypothetical scenario. Assume the Base Rate (BR) is 2.50%, and the bank applies a margin of 2.00% for your car loan. The calculated interest rate would be BR + Margin, resulting in an interest rate of 4.50%. This rate becomes the benchmark for the interest applied to your loan amount.

Now, let's translate this into a practical example. If you're financing a car worth RM50,000 over a five-year period, the interest accrued would be calculated based on the interest rate obtained. Using the formula:

Interest = (Principal × Interest Rate × Loan Tenure) ÷ 100
Substituting our values:
Interest = (RM50,000 × 4.50% × 5 years) ÷ 100

The calculated interest would amount to RM11,250 over the entire loan tenure - on top of the original value of the car which is RM50,000. At the end of the tenure, you would have paid RM61,250 in total. This example highlights the tangible impact of interest rates on the overall cost of your car loan. Understanding this calculation empowers you to make financial decisions aligned with your budget and long-term goals.

Moreover, it's essential to be aware that this is a simplified example, and actual interest calculations may vary based on factors such as compounding frequency and specific loan terms. Engaging with your chosen financial institution to receive a detailed breakdown tailored to your circumstances is recommended for a more accurate understanding of the overall cost of your car financing.


Factors influencing car loan interest rates

Several factors influence the interest rates offered by financial institutions in Malaysia. Your credit score, loan amount, repayment tenure, and the type of vehicle you're financing all play pivotal roles. Financial institutions assess these factors to determine the level of risk associated with lending to you. Maintaining a healthy credit score, opting for a reasonable loan amount, and selecting a sensible repayment tenure can positively impact the interest rate offered.


Tips to secure lower car loan interest rates

Strengthen your credit score

A strong credit score is your passport to favourable car loan interest rates. Regularly check your credit report via Central Credit Reference Information System (CCRIS) or Credit Tip-Off Service (CTOS), address any discrepancies, and ensure timely payments on existing debts to enhance your creditworthiness.


Save for a larger down payment

Offering a substantial down payment reduces the loan amount, signalling to lenders that you are financially stable and capable of managing repayments. This can contribute to securing a lower interest rate.


Compare lenders

Don't settle for the first loan offer that comes your way. Different financial institutions may offer varying interest rates and terms. Take the time to compare lenders, ensuring you secure the most favourable deal.


Negotiate loan terms

Negotiation isn't limited to the car price; it extends to loan terms. Engage with lenders to negotiate lower car loan interest rates or more favourable repayment terms. Your willingness to negotiate demonstrates financial responsibility.


Consider a shorter loan tenure

While longer loan tenures may seem appealing for lower monthly payments, they often come with higher overall interest costs. Opting for a shorter tenure can lead to substantial savings in interest payments.


Explore special promotions

Keep an eye out for special promotions or interest rate discounts offered by banks. Some institutions periodically introduce promotional rates or exclusive deals that can result in significant savings. Such periodical deals can be found during the festive celebrations like Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Lunar New Year, Deepavali and Christmas.


Understanding Islamic car financing in Malaysia

For those seeking Shariah-compliant financing, Islamic car financing options are available in Malaysia. Instead of traditional car loan interest rates, Islamic financing utilises the concept of ‘profit rates’ or ‘mark-up rates’.

Understanding the principles of Islamic financing can provide an alternative avenue for those who prefer Shariah-compliant options. Islamic financing is open to Muslims and non-Muslims alike.


Driving towards financial empowerment

Navigating the landscape of car loan interest rates in Malaysia requires a blend of financial literacy and strategic decision-making. By comprehending the factors influencing interest rates, adopting prudent financial habits, and leveraging negotiation skills, you can steer towards lower rates and substantial savings over the life of your car loan.

Whether you're eyeing a sleek sedan or a sturdy sports utility vehicle (SUV), empowering yourself with knowledge ensures a smoother journey towards owning the keys to your dream car.

Planning to purchase your dream vehicle sometime soon? Try out our hire purchase loan calculator and be sure you're getting more bang for your buck!


Planning to purchase your dream vehicle sometime soon? Try out our hire purchase loan calculator and be sure that you’re getting more bang for your buck!

💡 The information provided above is purely for educational purposes.



1. Bank Negara Malaysia. (2022). Economic and Financial Data for Malaysia.

2. Department of Statistics Malaysia. (2022). Monthly Statistical Bulletin, January 2022.

3. Central Credit Reference Information System (CCRIS). (2022). Credit Report Access.

4. Lim, G. C. (2019). Financing the Purchase of a Car: Islamic Versus Conventional Financing. Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 6(4), 175–183.

5. Credit Bureau Malaysia (CTOS). (2022). Credit Information and Credit Reporting Services.