Renovations & Decor

By Phoebe Pang 28 December 2023 4 min read

Smart Home Solutions to Save the Environment & Your Money

Mother and daughter looking at smart home screen

Ever wondered what is a smart home? In simple terms, it is a home that uses solutions which support sustainability and provide convenience. These smart home solutions are becoming increasingly popular, and for good reason. Apart from making your life more convenient, they can also help you save money on monthly electricity bills.

Beyond monetary savings, individuals adopting smart home solutions would be actively participating in the larger agenda of environmental preservation, making a meaningful and lasting difference in reducing the carbon footprint through efficient use of energy.

Let’s explore some of the most popular smart home solutions and how they can help you save the environment and money—including up to 90% on your electricity bill! Read on to discover various smart home solutions for every budget.


Small smart home solutions that can create a big impact

Creating a smart, green home doesn’t have to cost you hundreds and thousands. There are a range of cost-effective innovative smart home solutions designed to make your home smarter and greener. Here’s what some of them are:

  • Smart plugs

    Smart plugs allow you to turn on or turn off anything that you plug into it from your mobile device. This allows you to remotely control electronics or appliances or schedule them to run at times when electricity rates are lower, according to the Time of Use (TOU) scheme offered by Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB). The off-peak period is from 10.00pm to 8.00am on weekdays and all day on weekends and public holidays.

    Estimated price range: RM20 - RM35

  • Smart power strips

    Smart power strips can help you reduce standby power consumption while also acting as a surge protector, which protects your electronics from voltage spikes caused by lightning strikes or overloading of appliances. According to statistical research reports, it can help lower standby power consumption by 5-10%, thus reducing your electricity bills.

    Estimated price range: RM40 - RM322

  • Smart lighting

    Smart bulbs can be dimmed, turned on and off remotely, or even scheduled to turn on and off at certain times. According to a study by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, smart bulbs can save up to 80% on your lighting costs.

    Estimated price range: RM12 - RM109


Building a smart, green home from the ground up

Are you planning to build or renovate your home? Then you have the opportunity to create a smart, green home from the ground up. If you’ve been checking out green home examples on Pinterest, then you may have already come across solutions that are worth investing in. Here’s what some of them are:

  •  Heat-reducing materials

    Materials that reflect heat, such as cool roof materials or reflective window film, can minimise outside heat from entering your home. The investment is well-worth your money because it can help to significantly reduce air-conditioning electricity bills.

    Estimated price range of cool roof materials: RM50 - RM70 per square metre

    Estimated price range of reflective window films: RM30 - RM100 per square metre

  • Layout design

Position your windows and walls to maximise natural light while avoiding excessive exposure to direct sunlight. This can help you achieve that sweet spot of minimising heat while reducing the need to use artificial lights during the day.

  •  Low-E glass
    Low-emissivity (Low-E) glass have thin layers of metallic oxide. Using low-E glass on windows can reduce heat transfer and ultraviolet (UV) rays without a visible tint, thus maintaining natural illumination. This helps you save on air-conditioning electricity bills while protecting your home contents from sun damage.

    Estimated price range: RM50 - RM150 per square metre


Eco-friendly smart home solutions

Now that we've covered innovative solutions, alternative materials, and architectural considerations that can make your home more energy-efficient, let's delve into the game-changing solutions. These solutions won’t just help you save big on your utility bills—they will help Malaysia move towards its pledge to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

  •  Water efficient features (WEPLS label)
    The Water Efficient Product Labelling Scheme (WEPLS) covers five categories: faucets, toilets, urinals, washing machines, and shower heads. The more stars, the more efficient the fixture. Looking for the WEPLS label is a great way to invest in water-saving fixtures and appliances.
  • Solar panels

    Solar panels are becoming increasingly affordable to install in Malaysia and can help you save up to 90% on your electricity bill. It has also become much easier to invest in solar panels with solar financing to start your sustainable home journey without delay.

    Estimated price range: RM20,000 - RM70,000 per installation for a home, depending on system size (kWp), number of solar panels, and complexity of installation

  •  Rainwater harvesting and recycling system
    A rainwater harvesting and recycling system can store water from rain. The system typically comprises a rooftop water collection system, storage tank, and filtration system. This can help reduce water bills and ensure you have a backup water supply during a water cut.

    Estimated price range for the total system: RM2,000 - RM6,500


Get ready to go with the eco-flow

In addition to these solutions that can help you transform your home into a smarter, greener home, you can also cultivate an eco-friendly abode by adopting other simple habits. For instance, getting plants that are adept at removing toxins and pollutants from the air, such as aloe vera or the snake plant. Or utilising a composting machine that transforms food scraps, including bones and fruit skins, into a nutrient-rich fertiliser for your plants.

By adopting these solutions and habits, you can reduce your carbon footprint while enjoying financial savings, regardless of whether you rent or own your home.

If you're building or renovating your home to incorporate smart, green features, check out how you can finance your sustainable home with a credit card that rewards you for sustainable spending .


💡 The information provided above is purely for educational purposes.



1. Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB). (2023). Time of Use (TOU).

2. National Renewable Energy Laboratory. (2023). Residential Energy Use.

3. The Edge Markets. (2023). Green Technology.

4. WEPLS - Water Efficient Product Labelling Scheme. (2023). Department of Irrigation and Drainage Malaysia.

5. Sustainable Energy Development Authority (SEDA) Malaysia. (2023). Net Energy Metering (NEM).

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