Frequently Asked Questions

How do I reload my international mobile prepaid number?

Simply follow the steps below to reload your international mobile prepaid number at no extra fee:

  1. Log in to

  1. Go to ‘PAY & TRANSFER’ and select the ‘RELOAD’ tab

  1. Beside ‘Reload To’, select ‘Mobile Prepaid (International)’

  1. Choose from the list of countries and telco available

  1. Enter the mobile number and select a reload amount, then click ‘RELOAD’

  1. Check the details and authorise via Secure2u to complete your transaction

  1. Click on ‘Add to Favourite’ to enjoy quicker reloads next time!



You may perform prepaid reloads to the following countries and telcos:



1.There is no service charge for international mobile reload.

2.The transaction limit is RM300 per telco.

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